Niamh Burn MSCP

Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Founder of Maternity Physio

I`ve been a chartered physiotherapist since 2003 and worked as a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist with people of all ages within the NHS and private practice for many years. Women’s health has been my sole passion for the last 10 years and to help women with obstetric and postnatal related conditions get back on track. I have completed postgraduate training to help me assess and treat common conditions such pelvic girdle pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, abdominal diastasis and urogynaecological issues like painful sex, urinary leaks and prolapse. I have a certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice (Pelvic Health) from Brunel University.

I believe my musculoskeletal and pelvic health background gives me a holistic approach. I have a keen interest in guiding women back to the activity they love ( which so far, has included anything between walking and circus skills!). Whatever makes them feel good. As a Mum of 3 I know the importance of being strong and pain-free.

I am a full member of the POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapists), a qualified Mummy MOT practitioner, expert panelist for the Bia Mother app and a recommended practitioner on the pelvic partnership website. I enjoy teaching regular pelvic health workshops to women and fitness professionals who work with women. When not working you will probably find me commuting on my bike, a bit late for a school run…

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to see how we can help please reach out to us below.