Eliza FLynn

  • Level 4 Sports Massage

  • Rocktape Advanced Functional Movement Training

  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (IASTM)

I’ve always been interested in the human body from a young age (my dad had been a doctor and we used to practice ‘surgery’ when eating fish) and after a fun stint in advertising, the draw of doing something which helped others as well as furthered my interest in an active lifestyle, led me to doing my personal training qualification.

 After having children in 2016, I moved to specialise in pre and postnatal fitness at The Warrior Method and undertook several courses at Burrell Education and in 2021 I gained my Level 4 Sports Massage Therapist qualification. I absolutely love working with people, helping them feel good and move with confidence, and I felt that massage could help my clients gain even better results. Sports massage is a targeted approach to helping improve a specific issue and I find it very rewarding when people leave the couch feeling lighter and more at ease with their body.

 My approach to massage isn’t only to tackle the immediate issue, but to take a more rounded approach. My goal, as with my personal training, is to create lasting change where possible and this might include reviewing lifestyle factors, mindset, as well as recommending exercises and stretches. I also use kinesiology taping where appropriate.

As well as sports massage, I also enjoy working with postnatal clients. Speaking from experience, I know full well how strange your body can feel. Massage can be a great way to reconnect with your body, alleviate some of the aches and pains, improve posture and give you much-needed time for yourself.

 When I’m not helping mums and mums-to-be return to the fitness they love, I am usually found at my local Park Run, or running after my three wild children. Whenever I get the chance, I enjoy obstacle course races (the muddier the better!) and boxing.