whether planned or not, we`re here to help you reconnect and rehab post csection.

scar massage

Scar massage from 6 weeks post C-Section (if no complications) can help with sesnstivity, pain and tightness in the area. It brings in blood flow to the area and mobilises the skin and muscle layers. It is a great way to reconnect to that area following surgery and building up your confidence to get back to the things that bring you joy. You can combine scar massage with an overall relaxing postnatal massage if that is something you crave!

postnatal MOt checks

A Postnatal MOT check is best done about 6-8 weeks post delivery. We have a chat to learn about your issues and goals for the session. We do a thorough examination of your posture, pelvic joints, abdominal muscles, rectus abdominus gap, C Scar and pelvic floor muscles.

We can then provide you with the results and tailor your rehab program according to what we find during the assessment.

rehab sessions

We offer strength and fitness sessions, group and 1-1 for women after caesarean section. These take place in our small bespoke onsite gym with Naomi. Naomi has a wealth of experience and you are in safe hands with these abdominal and pelvic floor friendly sessions. Your Physio can give Naomi a handover, following your MOT to help you both focus on the areas that are best for you.